It’s now mid-March. The Force Awakens is on its last breath at local theaters, and the Blu-ray (and its multiple iterations) is due to release in a few weeks. I think it’s time we turn our attention towards the next big thing.
I remember back in the days leading up to Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith, I went on to and was posting comments back and forth with other fans about what we should see in the upcoming movie. I couldn’t really do this for the Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens, because there was such a gap in the timeline between Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi and Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens, it would be too difficult to attempt. With Rogue One: A Star Wars Story appearing just a few years prior to Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope, I thought it would be fun to not only see where this film could take us, but see the connections between itself and Rebels. As I write this, the release of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story is exactly nine months away, and there are only a few episodes of Star Wars Rebels remaining in season 2. What’s interesting here is that we have two Star Wars titles being released that are very near to each other in the timeline, and pretty much at the same time in theaters and on television, respectively, so naturally (one would think), there should be some connections.
We all know the premise for Rogue One is the newly formed rebellion’s desperate attempt to obtain the plans for the Death Star. Star Wars Rebels however, takes a different route towards A New Hope. As we follow the small band of rebels, their exploits are centered on Ezra Bridger’s Jedi training, while some side stories fill in some character development for the rest of the Ghost crew. My impression is, although Rebels and Rogue One may be happening simultaneously at certain points, there are no Jedi appearing in Rogue One, therefore there may not be as many connections between the two after all. Having said that, I will be surprised if there wasn’t at least a mention of the Ghost crew in Rogue One, or possibly an indirect mention of Ahsoka — especially if we expect to see Vader play a more active role in Rogue One than in previous films, and the impending confrontation between Vader and his former padawan plays out like most of us expect it will.

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
If there are any connections character-wise, I would expect said character to appear in Rogue One first, and then appear in Rebels in a later episode. It would be easier to animate a character based on real life person than to find an actor that could resemble an animated character. Because of this any kind of character connections would probably be during the second half of season three of Rebels. I wouldn’t be surprised though if there are some connections based on story-lines or locations. What if Lothal was to appear in Rogue One? Perhaps the crew of the Ghost goes on a preliminary scouting mission to obtain the stolen data. This may have already happened; I honestly can’t remember every episode of Rebels.

The Rise of Darth Vader
At this time in the timeline, the Empire is growing rapidly. I would even say it is at its mightiest; before the destruction of the Death Star and Vader’s obsession with finding his son. The Empire is subjugating planets for its gain, TIE Fighters and Star Destroyers are a common sight in the skies over many planets, like Alderaan, Corellia, and Kashyyyk. Stormtroopers perform raids and arrest anyone speaking out against the Emperor. The galaxy is held in fear, and the fear is the iron grip of The Galactic Empire. If only there was a Jedi out there to save the galaxy from evil…
“Long live the Rebellion!”
The Cantina Cast
The wretched hive your Jedi Master warned you about!
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