Mike Rondeau
Co-founder, Owner, Audio Editor and Host of the Cantina Cast
As I’ve gotten older, my love for star wars seems to have grown. With the trials and tribulations of my own life, I often turn to the holy saga for guidance. I often find myself relating to the characters and the themes; for me star wars is very personal. It’s not just lightsabers and blasters kids.

Joao Stinson
Co-Host of the Cantina Cast, Co-Owner
My love of Star Wars started a bit later in life. It took until the age of 15 and the re-release of the Original Trilogy in 1997 to make me fall for Star Wars. I love Star Wars in all mediums, including fan fiction, video games, toys, and of course the movies. The Holy Saga has had a tremendous impact on my life, not only has it introduced me to my main hobby (podcasting) but it also allowed me to meet my wife, Racheal from 750 miles away.

Becca Benjamin
Copy Editor, Administrative Consultant, Blogger
I’m just a simple girl, trying to make my way in the universe.
Join me at the Cantina, writing and discussing everything Star Wars!
(Freelance writer: Collaborated with and titled, 3 LE Star Wars Celebration Prints for Steve Anderson (Lucasfilm illustrator) and recently titled, 2 LE Disney Prints as well. Blogger for Coffeewithkenobi.com and Blogger for Thebeardedtrio.com)

Carrie Christian
Although I grew up with the saga, it was not until I saw Episode III in 2005 that I truly realized my fandom. I first started blogging as a member of the old Star Wars Fan Club. I am also an avid costumer and active member of the Rebel Legion. I look forward to this new journey at the Cantina!

Mark Sutter
Blogger, Co-Host of Idiot’s Array
Mark is a stay-at-home dad from Ohio with a passion for Science Fiction. Star Wars was his first love. Well, next to dinosaurs and LEGOs (Dewbacks are basically dinosaur horses and all the best LEGO sets are Star Wars). He’s been a life-long fan of Star Trek and recently got into Doctor Who (seriously, why did no one tell him about this show). After the announcement of a NEW Star Wars Trilogy, he officially went of the nerd deep end and is now into the Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars tabletop gaming universe (X-Wing and Edge of the Empire/Age of Rebellion RPGs). He even has Star Wars decals on his mini-van.

Ryder Waldron
Blogger, Co-host of Idiot’s Array
I am a lifelong fan of Star Wars and I’m excited that the saga is not only still relevant today, but keeps growing. I am a member of The Rogues with Star Wars in the Classroom, and as a dentist and author I use Star Wars to teach oral hygiene to elementary school kids. I’m thrilled to join The Cantina Cast.

Alan Zaugg
Blogger, Host of Idiot’s Array
I’ve been a Star Wars fan since I can remember (1979, I believe) . I remember my first experience, as a youngster, seeing Darth Vader in the theater. My destiny was sealed. I’m a husband, father, sports enthusiast and geek. I incorporate Star Wars into every aspect of my life, especially in sports. I co-host a sports podcast called Jedi & Jerms On The Jazz and am managing editor of a sports site. I enjoy writing and illustrating and am currently working on my first sci-fi novel. I love spending time with my family.

Paul Nugent
I’m a mid 30’s British chap, dad to two princesses and a teenage Minecraft addict
and husband to the most amazing woman ever to walk the earth.
As well as my amazing family’s tolerance of my obsession with all things Star
Wars, I’m blessed to work with a group of people who are also fans. On the side
of the desk behind me sits a poster with a l’il Jawa on it. He makes me smile…
I’ve been a fan of the saga since I first saw A New Hope – sat, cross legged, in my
parent’s lounge. Since then, my obsession has grown. I got married with a Yoda
T-Shirt under my dress shirt; I used to use a light sabre as a pointer in my old job
and my car currently has Tantive IV scrawled on the back in the dirt… Like I said,
it’s an obsession.
I think it hit home for me just how much I was attached to this galaxy far, far
away when I was watching Episode III at the cinema. Order 66 was executed and
the tears just flowed… The emotion of that scene really took me by surprise.
I’m loving Rebels at the moment and am really looking forward to seeing how it
all develops, although I’ll never look at Mandalorians in the same way again.
It’s great to be a part of the Cantina and if anyone has any suggestions on how I
can talk my wife into letting me buy Storm Trooper armour and join the 501st,
please let me know.

When I was young, my family owned only The Empire Strikes Back. Because it didn’t have a happy ending and Yoda creeped me out, I didn’t like it. When I finally saw A New Hope, it was a revelation, and my love of Star Wars was born. My addiction began when I discovered the Expanded Universe. Throughout school, my friend Racheal shared my passion, lent me books, took me to see AOTC at the Imax, introduced me to Spaceballs, and more. Much of my Star Wars knowledge I owe to Racheal, and my blog is dedicated in part to her. Currently I live and work in Japan with my husband, Raz. I enjoy experiencing the Star Wars Universe through a variety of mediums, and look forward to sharing them with you. Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu!

I was eight years old when my father took me to see Star Wars in December 1977. It was an incredible experience where I watched the impossible come to life and Han most definitely shot first.
Star Wars has always had an influence on my life, and with the re-awakening of the franchise I am reconnecting with the characters and stories I’ve enjoyed my whole life.
I look forward to writing about Star Wars, both old and new, here at The Cantina.
In addition to being an avid Star Wars fan I’m also very active in the World of Warcraft community where I run a Hunter blog called The Brew Hall, and am the co-founder and host of the Hunting Party Podcast. I also run a blog dedicated to the Star Wars: The Old Republic MMO, called The Cantina.
You can follow me on Twitter – .

My mothers love of Sci-Fi is the main factor behind my obsession with
the galaxy far, far away…… According to her I was first shown A New
Hope at Age 4(though I can’t really remember). What I do remember
however is watching the movies many times during my childhood and even
more now during my adult life. In my adult life I have delved more into
the Star Wars mythos through video games, novels, shows and comics, I’ve
even got some Star Wars ink. My fondest memory of Star Wars is going to
see the final showing of Revenge of The Sith with my mother in an empty
cinema screen, getting to experience the last movie with the person who
showed me the series was an amazing memory and one I will remember
forever. Away from Star Wars, I’m currently studying Software
Development in College. I’m also an aspiring Games Journalist and
currently write for GamersFTW. English is another love of mine and I
hope to write a lot in the future. I would love to become a Comic Book
writer and have many awesome ideas.
I also like Sports, Red Pandas, Milk and Microsoft Word 2007

Amy Witcher Richau
I grew up with the original Star Wars trilogy. Now a stay-at-home Mom to a girl who thinks Star Wars is “boring” (where have I gone wrong!) and a boy who thinks it’s awesome, I try and find time to write as much as I can. I regularly contribute to the UK entertainment site Flickering Myth and the Denver Broncos blog Mile High Report (yes, I was at the Broncos-Seahawks Super Bowl and no, I will not discuss it without whiskey). Before kids and a move to CO I worked in several film archives preserving classic films – including a few lovely months at Skywalker Ranch. I managed to snag a Special Thanks credit – complete with my name in blue against a starry background for Star Wars: A Musical Journey (bonus points to whoever knows what that is!) which made this geek girl very happy.

Patty Hammond
Patty Hammond is the Everyday Fangirl from Michigan who has a disguise as a mild mannered data analyst for an Advertising firm. She has a degree in Library and Information Science and has worked in the Marketing and Adverting industry for 20 years. Patty is the founder and administrator of the blog EverydayFangirl.com. She is also an editor for one of the stories in the SFR Brigade Anthology.
Patty is a fan of many different genres and franchises, especially Star Wars. She first saw Star Wars at the Detroit premiere in 1977 thanks to her Mom who won tickets from a local TV station. Patty spent many hours acting out her favorite scenes with her brother and sisters, listening to the soundtracks and re-watching the films on TV and on home video.
Patty is very active in the Star Wars community and the Geek community in general. She has previously provided content for the Detroit News Geek Blog, the Forcecast.net, Rebel Force Radio and Fangirls Going Rogue. She was also a guest on Episode 74 of Skywalking Through Neverland talking about her experience at Star Wars Celebration Anaheim.
You can find Patty posting about Star Wars and much more on Twitter @Pattybones2.

Tom Burke
Father, husband, photographer, artist, writer, middle aged hooligan, lover of shenanigans and a man with no filter

Eric G. Onkenhout

Adam Stephenson

Dom Nardi
Dom has a background in political science and is interested in exploring politics in science fiction and fantasy. He has published academic articles about politics in Star Wars and Lord of the Rings. You can find more of his writing at NardiViews.

Paul DePaola
Paul has been a huge Star Wars fan since the early 80’s and is always finding a way to tie Star Wars into every facet of his life. Paul lives in Virginia. He loves movies, plays guitar and is TK-5990, a proud member of the 501st Legion.

Matt Neve