C-3PO: The Phantom Limb
The mystery behind C-3PO’s “red arm” has been revealed, finally! C-3PO #1 hit stores (and digital) on Wednesday, April 13th — the long-awaited explanation behind “golden rod’s” new appendage has been exposed!
The mystery behind C-3PO’s “red arm” has been revealed, finally! C-3PO #1 hit stores (and digital) on Wednesday, April 13th — the long-awaited explanation behind “golden rod’s” new appendage has been exposed!
On March 4th, Marvel revealed the first sneak peek of the impending Han Solo comic series, which is due to release this June! After all that has transpired in “The Force Awakens,” I’m eager to learn more about our so-called-smuggler. The toughest battle Han Solo ever fought was against his own self-interest.- Article by Lee Bermejo via…
Journey To STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS GREG RUCKA-WRITER, MARCO CHECCHETTO-ARTIST, ANDRES MOSSA-COLORS Synopsis: It is a period of unrest and both, the Rebel Alliance and the disbanded Imperials are eager to fight for their own cause – doing what they feel is the right thing to do. Lieutenant Shara Bey and Sergeant Kes Dameron,…
Marvel’s newest Star Wars comic will shed light on Obi-Wan and Anakin’s lives before Episode II. Source: NYCC 2015: Marvel’s Next Star Wars Comic Is ‘Obi-Wan & Anakin’ – IGN
Check the link below for a recap of the Star Wars publishing panel. I am curious what the Chewbacca comic will reveal of our beloved wookiee. Source: SDCC 2015: Star Wars Publishing Panel Liveblog | StarWars.com
For those of you who have enjoyed a monthly dose of Marvel’s Star Wars comics, you may be sad to learn that Star Wars issues #7 and #8 have been delayed. Issue #7, an Obi-Wan one shot adventure set on Tatooine, was originally planned for release on July 8 but has been pushed back three…
The Force is strong this summer in downtown San Diego. Source: Star Wars: The Force Awakens and More Coming to SDCC 2015 | StarWars.com
Darth Vader continues his hunt for those who would replace him at the Emperor’s side! Source: Darth Vader #5 – Exclusive Preview! | StarWars.com
If you didn’t catch the title, there will be *spoilers* for Star Wars: Princess Leia issues #1-2 in this review. So, if you don’t want to read anything that will ruin them, move along … ****************************************************************** Princess Leia is the odd duck of Star Wars comics. Planned for a five issue run, it is the…
Most websites stick to the same format for comics reviews: Day-of-release, spoiler-free or spoiler-light reviews. Since I am well behind as a mail subscriber (usually 1-2 weeks after street date), I obviously can’t do the same thing. So, from now on, I’ll be assuming that our readers have already read them and discussing them in…