
Luke Skywalker vs. Emperor Palpatine–Round One

“Welcome, Young Skywalker. I’ve been expecting you.” -Emperor Palpatine

… And so begins one of my favorite confrontations in all of Star Wars: the verbal and psychological duel between Luke Skywalker and Emperor Palpatine on the second Death Star, and Darth Vader is caught in the middle. This showdown can be broken up into three distinct parts and starting this month I will examine each part, focusing mostly on the interaction between Luke and Palpatine.

As Luke and Darth Vader arrive in the Death Star’s throne room, Palpatine is the first to assert his power and perceived authority when he removes Luke’s handcuffs with the Force. It’s a very understated power play by the Emperor and he makes it seem effortless, but there is a look of surprise on Luke’s face. Is he surprised at the ease with which Palpatine removed his cuffs? Is he surprised that the Emperor does not see him as a threat and feels comfortable releasing him? Or is he simply surprised to learn that Palpatine can use the Force at all?

Luke and Vader

No matter the reason for Luke’s surprise he quickly collects himself. As Palpatine sits on his throne and Luke is at Vader’s side, they begin opposing each other, predicting what they each believe will happen in the very near future. Emperor Palpatine is subtly trying to intimidate Luke, while Luke calmly defies him, but both are also communicating to Darth Vader through each other. Consider the following exchange between Luke and Palpatine and what they are really saying to Vader with their predictions:

Palpatine: I’m looking forward to completing your training. In time you will call me ‘Master’. (Since there can only be two Sith, Vader is being told that he will soon be dead and his son will replace him as the Sith apprentice.)

Luke: You’re gravely mistaken. You won’t convert me as you did my father. (Luke is telling his father that he has more control over his passions than he (Vader) does and he will die before he’ll turn to the Dark Side. He’s also conveying a confidence to his father that the Emperor can be resisted.)


And further into the conversation:

Palpatine: By now you must know that your father can never be turned from the Dark Side. So will it be with you. (Palpatine makes it clear to Vader that he is beyond redemption and his son will soon join him on the Dark Side. It is also interesting to note that as Palpatine says this to Luke, Vader turns to see Luke’s reaction.)

Vader looking at Luke

Now is when Palpatine begins to gain the upper hand against Luke, when Luke vaguely tells him that they will all be dead soon, a reference to the Rebel attack. Palpatine sarcastically cackles and reveals that he knows about the imminent attack of the Rebel Fleet. Luke’s eyes are cast down as he hears this as though he fears for his friends and the Alliance. But Luke once again quickly recovers and we hear the following:

Luke: Your overconfidence is your weakness. (This is ironic because overconfidence was one of Luke’s weaknesses when he first joined Yoda on Dagobah to begin his Jedi training.)


Palpatine: Your faith in your friends is yours. (Interestingly, Luke’s lack of faith in his friends’ ability to protect themselves against Vader and the Empire at Cloud City is what ultimately led to Luke leaving his Jedi training early in order to try to save his friends. That only made matters worse. Luke’s newfound faith in his friends is what makes it possible for the Rebels to eventually destroy the second Death Star.)

Vader (to Luke): It is pointless to resist my son. (At this point Darth Vader sounds tired, defeated, and resigned to the fact that he is never going to be more than Palpatine’s servant.)

Next, Emperor Palpatine reveals to Luke and Vader that everything that has transpired was done according to his design. He lured the Rebels into a trap. As he hears about this scheme for the first time, Vader takes his eyes off of Luke and turns slowly toward the Emperor. Is Vader finally realizing that he can’t trust the Emperor, since clearly, the Emperor didn’t trust him enough to involve him in his plot to defeat the Rebel Alliance?

As the space battle rages on outside the Death Star, Palpatine tells Luke to come witness the end of the insignificant rebellion. He even calls Luke “Boy” to assert more of his authority. As Luke looks on, the Emperor begins goading him to take his Lightsaber, give into his anger, and strike him down. Palpatine knows that Vader will protect him and begin the fateful Lightsaber battle between father and son, and Palpatine assumes the victor will become (Luke) or remain (Vader) his apprentice. It will be the first battle between Luke and Vader in which they both know the truth about their relationship.

Throne with Endor

As the Emperor tells Luke that with each passing moment he is becoming more Palpatine’s servant, Luke uses one last desperate attempt to resist his anger and hatred by simply telling the Emperor, “No”. Palpatine replies, “It is unavoidable. It is your destiny.” And Luke, may be starting to believe him.

After the Emperor gives the order to Commander Jerjerrod to unleash the Death Star’s firepower on the Rebel Fleet and Luke helplessly watches, Palpatine continues to pummel Luke emotionally:

Palpatine: Your fleet is lost and your friends on the Endor moon will not survive. There is no escape, my young apprentice. The Alliance will die, as will your friends.

Luke has almost heard enough. He fears the Emperor may be right in saying that his friends will die. And if they are going to die Luke is at least going to avenge them, even if it means his vengeance will take him to the Dark Side. Through the Force, Palpatine can feel Luke’s hatred building:

Palpatine: Goooood. I can feel your anger. I am defenseless. Take your weapon. Strike me down with all of your hatred and your journey towards the Dark Side will be complete!


As Luke turns and reclaims his Lightsaber in his anger, it is clear that Emperor Palpatine has won round one of their duel. He has baited Luke into attacking him. Luke strikes toward the Emperor only to be blocked by Vader’s red blade. Vader protects his master. Or had Vader already begun to have a change of heart and was he actually protecting his son from completing his journey to the Dark Side?


Thanks for reading! Please contact me on Twitter and comment below on this page. Next month I will analyze round two of Luke vs. Palpatine. In the meantime, please listen to The Cantina Cast podcast and the new Idiot’s Array podcast featuring fellow Cantina Cast bloggers Alan Zaugg, Mark Sutter, and me. It can be found on iTunes on the Idiot’s Array and The Cantina Cast feeds. We’d love to have you join us! And remember:

The Cantina Cast

The wretched hive your Jedi Master warned you about!

About Ryder Waldron

Blogger, Star Wars Rebels reporter and Co-host of Idiot’s Array

'Luke Skywalker vs. Emperor Palpatine–Round One' have 2 comments

  1. May 25, 2015 @ 10:18 pm Paul Nugent

    Great article, Ryder. I think that we really get to see the arrogance of Palpatine here. He’s so close to his downfall and he just can’t see it.

    Great thought regarding whether Vader is stopping Luke killing Palpatine or stopping him from falling to the Dark Side. The link between this scene and the scene with Dooku in the PT is striking – crossed lightsabers in a very different way!

    A great read. Thanks, Ryder.

    • May 26, 2015 @ 5:01 am Ryder

      Wow! Thanks, Paul. I agree that Palpatine’s arrogance really shows in these scenes. Thanks so much for reading!

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