The Force Is Not Strong With ABC’s TGIT Promo

Tonight on ABC starting with “Grey’s Anatomy” they teased a tie-in to Star Wars: The Force Awakens. The ensemble cast came out of the 1st commercial break talking about teamwork, heroism, and helping others. They compared themselves to Rebels & Jedi. It was overall fairly stiff and incredibly over reaching. Meanwhile, as someone who hasn’t watched an hour long Medical drama since ER long went off the air, this show is not impressive. Also, apparently everything in Seattle is clean. Doctors lounges, coffee shops and a radiology lab with enough technology to fit into the Death Star. Never mind the fact that these people all look great. This is not our dusty, grimy and dirty Galaxy far, far away. It’s the small details that make the difference and would we accept a shiny and nicely painted Millenium Falcon? Nope. I saw at least 4 characters all using the same cellphone in a red case. Someone call the prop department, get down to the dollar store and buy a few different colored cellphone cases. Imperial Stormtroopers all use similar blasters but the Jedi all have one of a kind lightsabers. If these doctors are like Jedi then let’s work on some individuality on cellphones. As well, while Jedi all dress fairly alike, how does the Doctor who is there on his first day have a lab coat with his name on it already from ‘Grey Sloane Memorial Hospital’? I’m beginning to wish “Lost” was still on the air. At least JJ had his fingers in that show and maybe that button Desmond kept hitting was to alert the evacuation of Hoth.



With no buffer of Star Wars post “Greys” and before “Scandal,” I hoped for better entertainment this 2nd hour. Third promo for the American Music Awards with second mention of Star Wars score. I am being quickly reminded of why I generally ignore programming on the ‘Big 3’ networks. This show “Scandal” is as predictable as a squad of Stormtroopers conducting a spread pattern looking for droids. Oh wait, someone on “Scandal” just inquired if another character was ‘using a Jedi mind trick’ (yawn). At the midway point in the barrage of commercials the stars of “Scandal” then came on to talk about how similar THEIR show was to Star Wars. This is getting worse. Most of these actors look born long after the original trilogy. I’m not sure how a crisis management firm is akin to the rebellion. Sorry Disney owned ABC, this cross promotional synergy is NOT working tonight. I’d have thought running a promo during “Agents of Shield” or even “Once upon a Time” would’ve chimed better. Additionally, there was NO new footage or anything to further pique anyone’s interest for The Force Awakens. I have a hunch the new double issue of Entertainment Weekly is going to have more relevant info than the last two hours did.

** Please welcome our newest member to The Cantina Cast, Tom Burke! Please give him a follow on Twitter  and let him know what you thought of this ABC The Force Awakens tie-in spot. **

Original Source: ABC


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