the solos

Cyclical Parental Patterns Continue In Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Star Wars has always been about cyclical themes and Star Wars: The Force Awakens is no exception. Regardless of Mr. Lucas’s absence, his vision still lives on with the next generation of characters from this familiar galaxy far, far away. Even captures some amazing moments in his latest contribution: 10 Times ‘The Force Awakens’ Nods to the ‘Star Wars’ Prequels.

It’s a wonder that no one has ever stopped to consider the possibility of the Skywalker family tree or lineage, to be cursed. Ok, perhaps ‘cursed’ is a farfetched presumption, but it’s most definitely apparent that the lure to the dark side is just as strong as the force itself, when it comes to the Skywalker family.

There was too much Vader in him.”- Han Solo

Just as soon as Han uttered these words, I couldn’t help but to be reminded of Aunt Beru’s line from Star Wars: A New Hope, Luke’s just not a farmer, Owen. He has too much of his father in him.” And so, that alone, sets the tone for the next generation of Skywalker descent.

Photo Source: Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Photo Source:
Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Delving further, Han also states, [according to the novelization] that there was nothing they could’ve done to stop it. This sentiment pretty much parallels that of Shmi’s most famous line and yes, I’m referring to the prequel trilogy, The Phantom Menace. ”But you can’t stop the change, no more than you can stop the suns from setting.” Granted, it’s more of an inverse parallel, but it definitely holds some water that the prequels are not forgotten.

“I just never should have sent him away.”– General Organa

This line definitely hit home for me, especially as a mother of three children of my own and I can’t even begin to tell you, how many times I’ve wanted to retract a decision where they were concerned. Thing is, you never know what’s going to happen until it happens, as to why every choice comes with a consequence. Just as it did for Anakin — “Anakin, this path has been placed before you. The choice is yours alone.”– Shmi Skywalker

Yes, Anakin chose to leave his home, his mother, and all of his meager belongings behind in order to live-out his dreams of becoming a Jedi. Yet, leaving such a big decision in the hands of nine-year-old was in a sense, sending your son away. You can argue with me and say that I’m wrong here, but let me remind you, he was nine. Again, that choice had repercussions that rocked the galaxy to its core. But I digress …

“So Snoke was watching our son?” [Han Solo] … Once again, the cyclical themes are at play and history repeats itself, even with this scenario. Leia reveals to Han that Snoke has always been watching, lurking in the shadows, bidding his time. For any dark force user would be holding-out for the best candidate possible. To carry-out their sinister deeds and who better than that of legendary “chosen one’s” heir, a direct descendant, a continuum of the purest bloodline the force has ever conjured up – a Skywalker. Why not? This isn’t new, not in the least. In fact, this very notion was boasted about decades earlier. “We’ll watch your career with great interest.” Yes, Senator Palpatine, or rather, Darth Sidious had no qualms about it and he made it more than obvious that he was indeed intrigued by Anakin’s exceptional talents.

So once more, we see a nod towards the prequels and in my opinion, rightfully so. After all, this is Star Wars and Star Wars has always been a story about the Skywalker’s with recurring events throughout their life experiences. Why? Because that’s what George Lucas intended and his themes will continue to be carried over. Not just with the prequels or the original trilogy, but with Rebels and The Clone Wars too. In fact, if you pay close attention to The Force Awakens, you’ll find that each of these facets were referenced during the film.

With that, I’ll leave you with one of my favorite parallel moments of The Force Awakens“We’ll see each other again. I believe that.”- Rey

Where’s the parallel, you ask? Well, as Rey kisses Finn’s brow before she embarks on her quest for Skywalker, decades earlier, a mother says goodbye to her only son and whispers a similar heartfelt promise … “Then we will see each other again.”

The Cantina Cast

The wretched hive your Jedi Master warned you about!

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