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A New Dawn

Back in January of 2013, when Joao and I got together to bring back The Cantina Cast, we set a handful of goals to be met by the time Episode VII came out. Although it’s been a long and tedious road for all of us here at The Cantina Cast, I am happy to say, we have met all of those original goals and then some. Things really started to take off during Star Wars: Celebration Anaheim. Each month we grow in downloads and page views etc. With the release of ‘The Force Awakens,’ those numbers have gone way up. However,  Joao and I will be the first to admit, we’ve gone as far as we can on our own. You see, we’re a niche, within a niche. Our specialty is breaking things down — from characters, quotes, news, etc. and it’s hard to reach out and find that audience. It does exist, but it’s not easy to find.

A few weeks ago, Joao and I were approached with an opportunity, one that we were surprised and honored to receive. Our friend, Jason Ward from, offered us to join his new Star Wars podcasting network. After about 48 hours, I made the official call and decided, that this would be the best move for The Cantina Cast. Over the next year they’re will be changes, but for the moment, things will be the same. The only immediate changes will be us posting our podcast on and dropping our 9 Proof media intro from the show. Joao and I felt, that this move will give us more exposure to a larger audience, one that we normally wouldn’t have access to. In turn, Jason gets a quality podcast for his new network. Yes, I’m sort of bragging here, but with all the success we’ve had this past year, I think we’re kind of good. Our blogs will still be posted here, on our site. So do not worry, you’ll still have a place to read our insightful bloggers blogs. Joao and I will be explaining this move more on the podcast, so tune in, 2016 is going to be even more exciting than 2015!


The Cantina Cast

The wretched hive your Jedi Master warned you about!

You can find Mike, the CEO of The Cantina Cast on Twitter  or


Owner, Host of the podcast, Producer, Audio Editor, Content Director and Social Network Manager

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