
Shroud of Mystery

“The dark side clouds everything. Impossible to see the future is.”  No truer words could be spoken right now, Master Yoda. The future is impossible to see and The Force Awakens has left us with many unanswered questions that Episode VIII and IX will hopefully answer, Who is Rey/Finn? Why did Luke leave?(a topic which will be covered on CC podcast) Why did Kylo turn? But one question I don’t see being asked and something that is being overlooked is : Who is Benicio Del Toro playing in Episode VIII?  Not much info has been given on Benicio’s character, just like all other Star Wars info, it is kept secret between only those who need to know.

I went searching for some answers or for any clue on who Benicio will be playing. Sadly, I couldn’t come up with much except for the Episode VIII casting call which states that he will play a villain, but that casting call has recently been outed as being fake. So, I am back to the drawing board, there was heavy rumors that Del Toro would play a villain long before that casting call came out, also bringing someone on board such as Del Toro would only be done if it was for a role only he could play, as Star Wars is known for giving lesser known actors a shot. Del Toro is well known for playing bad guys and a man of his calibre and charisma can sure play one well. He however is quoted as saying:

“I don’t know if he’s a villain. People are saying that, but it’s like they read a different script than I read… It’s nice to keep people in the dark; a little bit of mystery is good. If they want to believe it’s the villain, then good.”

It seems Mr.Del Toro is getting the hang of this “mysterious” gig, not really giving anything away with this quote. However, it has been heavily rumored that he will play a villain, add that to the fact Benicio almost always plays a villain and that Kylo Ren will most likely be off completing his training for a large part of the movie, and I think its okay for me to assume that he will be a villain. Now, that just leaves me to speculate about what type of villain he will be, I guess a possible spoiler alert for Episode VIII, but probably not since I’m just some guy on the internet with no actual knowledge of Episode VIII.

Now, I’ve heard a few say that Benicio could play a bounty hunter, due to the fact that he could be hunting down the Resistance and more importantly, Rey. This theory would also make sense as to why Benicio would say, “I don’t know if he’s a villain,” people don’t really consider bounty hunters bad guys, just people doing their jobs. Yes, this theory would make sense, but I’m not sold. First of all, it would make just as much sense to send Phasma and 4 or 5 of the First Orders best men (Shadowtroopers or people trained like Nines), but also because I just don’t think Snoke would send a Bounty Hunter after Rey, a girl he knows is strong with the force and someone who defeated (an injured) Kylo Ren.

Now obviously, I’m just speculating that Benicio will be hunting Rey at all but it seems to make sense. I have a theory which I feel is better. It makes more sense to the story and also makes sense, why someone as talented and charismatic as Benicio Del Toro, would be brought in for the role (Rian Johnson handpicked him). It seems that they have cast him in the role of someone who is both charismatic and frightening, they will need someone who can take the reigns when Kylo is not on screen and someone who would be a believable Jedi hunter — that’s why I believe that they have casted Benicio as an Inquisitor.

The Inquisitors have got a surge of popularity among fans now after the Grand Inquisitor and Fifth Brother/Seventh Sister appearing on Rebels, so it would make sense to have an Inquisitor make a live action debut. Benicio himself, fits the bill of an Inquisitor, he is big and imposing, charismatic and cocky/confident, all traits shown by the Inquisitors which have appeared on Rebels. To be honest, even Del Toros looks or appearance, kind of fit or are similar to that of an Inquisitor or maybe, an Admiral of the First Order.

I think if they are to have Kylo off finishing his training for a big segment of the movie, then they need someone equally as dark and mysterious, that is where an Inquisitor would be perfect. Also, John Boyega said that Episode VIII will be much darker and from what we’ve seen of Inquisitors. They are dark, cold and ruthless killers, combine that with a more powerful Kylo Ren and maybe some of the Knights of Ren, and you have a formidable, villainous team, that’ll make any movie much much darker.

As I said though, all of this is just a theory of mine with no real facts to help back it up. Hopefully, when more info comes to light, I can write another piece on this topic. I’d like to hear who you think Benicio Del Toro will be playing and why? Let me know on Twitter


Féadfaidh an Fórsa Bí Le tú


The Cantina Cast

The wretched hive your Jedi Master warned you about!


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