rey interrogated

This Scavenger — This Girl — Resisted You?

If you had a chance to tune in to , then you heard me give my two credits on the interrogation scene between Rey and Kylo Ren. It’s a very dark and an uncomfortably intimate moment – something Star Wars has never attempted before. Yet, there is a remarkable parallel happening in these few minutes and it’s superbly done.

“Her resistance to the mind probe is considerable.”-Darth Vader  ‘A New Hope’

Star Wars: A New Hope Photo Source:

Star Wars: A New Hope
Photo Source:

You see, we’ve already witnessed a young woman resist the unnatural forces of the dark side and fight back, against the intrusion of having her thoughts extracted against her will. Leia. Oddly enough, Darth Vader never questioned if she was strong in the force, but he was indeed baffled by her restraint. It wasn’t until he had the millennium falcon searched that he sensed an all too familiar presence that made him question the force. Is this a fluke between trilogies? Honestly, I think not. This is exactly what we are meant to see, to connect, because that is Star Wars — a continuation of cyclical themes throughout the generations.

Oh, I know there are going to be Kenobi descendant theorizers scoffing at me and this article, but please, don’t stop reading yet. Now just hear me out, I’m not insinuating that Rey is in fact a Skywalker, what I am saying is, Ben Solo inherited his mother’s innate ability of mind control, only inversely. That being said, I did find it a bit too fortuitous that Rey, was able to inadvertently resist Kylo’s force ability and use it against him. Again, I’m not saying that she is of Skywalker descent, but it is something to think about.

“You will remove these restraints and leave this cell with the door open.”- Rey  ‘The Force Awakens’

Once again, we see Rey tap into the force and use ‘mind control’ in another form, the Jedi ‘mind trick.’ Now, before we get our Jedi robes in a bunch, just be open-minded for a bit. I am well aware that Ben (Obi-Wan) Kenobi was a master of this skill and yet, so were many others back in the days of The Clone Wars, even Anakin Skywalker. If you recall, Anakin did indeed use the Jedi ‘mind trick’ on Zam Wesell in Attack of the Clones. Ok, so his methods were a bit unorthodox, but it still worked and without hesitation too.

“Who hired you? Tell us. Tell us now!”- Anakin Skywalker ‘Attack of the Clones

Now, if you follow your thoughts through to conclusion, you’ll realize that Luke Skywalker was quite skilled when it came to using the ‘mind trick’ technique as well. In fact, most of the scenes from Jabba’s Palace in Return of the Jedi showcase Luke’s strengths, both physical and mental. So again, the Skywalker lineage is full of surprises, to paraphrase Luke from Empire Strikes Back. But I’m not saying Rey, if that’s even her real name, is a Skywalker descendant. All I am saying is: she showcased a lot of familiar traits, ones that we’ve already seen throughout the lore of Star Wars. Can it all just be a matter of chance or is it truly something more? Until we find out who she is, Rey will remain just Rey or rather, simply … anonymous.

The Cantina Cast

The wretched hive your Jedi Master warned you about!


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Copy Editor / Administrative Consultant / Featured Blogger for The Cantina Cast Website & Podcast. Blogger at Personal Author (Titles & Captions of LE art pieces ) for Steve Anderson: Lucasfilm illustrator & freelance artist. Follow me on Twitter @urangelb *I'm just a simple girl, trying to make my way in the universe.*

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