
‘Star Wars: CATALYST’ a thrilling must-have prequel to ‘Rogue One’

On March 18th, Del Rey & Star Wars Books announced via Twitter the following tweet:


A ‘prequel’ story! What a notion [ahem … insert snickering cough here], it appears as though “the prequels” are making a comeback, but in a literary format instead of on screen. In addition, it seems as though we’ll be getting some comic tie-ins as well via Marvel.

While we still don’t know a heck-of-a lot of the story line other than, it’ll tell the story of prior scenarios and character backstory leading up-to Rogue One, we do know that there have been “some changes” to the Lucasfilm Story Group as per John Jackson Miller [author of A New Dawn and Kenobi]:

Miller explained that the authors working on the current novels work closely with the producers and writers of the films and TV shows that they’ll tie into – including story points that won’t appear on the show for some time. He explained that the reveals and continuity are planned out years in advance, with the various media all tying together and “counting” equally.- George Marston reporting via at C2E2

*Original Sources: Twitter via &


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