
Rebels Reflections | Star Wars Rebels: Season 2 Finale | the Countdown begins!

“In my experience, just when you think you understand the force, you find out how little you actually know.”– Ahsoka Tano

How true and honestly, very befitting of where we, as fans, stand before heading into tonight’s episode and Season Finale of Star Wars Rebels: “Twilight of the Apprentice.” As Ahsoka says, we know very little of the force and what’s in-store for those characters we hold so dear to our hearts.

Over these past two years, we’ve [I know I have] invested a lot into these characters (Hera, Kanan, Ezra, Sabine, Zeb, and Chopper) and while we’re counting, the investment of a certain Togruta surpasses those years with an additional six and I’m hopeful … to tack on a few more. Hopeful.

Again, just when we think we know the outcome, we actually don’t. Oh sure, we think we do. We assume that this will be the end of a character arc and an emotional closure of yet, another extension of what makes Darth Vader, Vader. But do we really know this for certain? What proof or affirmation is there, that this will indeed be, that fateful moment that so many are believing it to be? Yes we’ve seen clips, snippets if you will, but have we seen full-on-proof that twilight will fall upon Ahsoka Tano’s journey in the Star Wars universe? No. Not really, no. Heck, even Dave Filoni [her creator] has been having his fun, toying with us, the fans. And for the record, I haven’t found it amusing. Ok, maybe just a little, but I digress …

dave filoni

Dave Filoni sketching Ahsoka Tano | photo found on his personal Facebook page

That being said, am I excited about tonight’s episode? You betcha! But I’m also nervous at the same time. It’s a double-edged sword of emotions and I honestly haven’t been this anxious since the premier of Star Wars: The Force Awakens. And that’s saying a lot for this animated series. Ever since The Clone Wars series ended, I never anticipated I’d ever be so emotionally invested in another band of heroes and yet, here I am. My own personal heart-force is stretching out as far as it possibly can and protectively embracing those I have grown so emotionally attached to — I only hope that’ll be enough …

So what are you hoping for in tonight’s episode of Star Wars Rebels? Who do you think will prevail and live to fight another day? Let us know in the comments below and May the Force be with you … always.

The Cantina Cast

The wretched hive your Jedi Master warned you about!

*Star Wars Rebels| Season 2 Finale: “Twilight of the Apprentice” premiers tonight on Disney XD at 9pm EST [running time is approximately: 1 hour]

**You can find Becca on Twitter  or at any of these affiliated outlets:  or contact Becca directly via email at or and to read more of her Star Wars ruminations, check out Becca’s Chava Chats at &

Copy Editor / Administrative Consultant / Featured Blogger for The Cantina Cast Website & Podcast. Blogger at Personal Author (Titles & Captions of LE art pieces ) for Steve Anderson: Lucasfilm illustrator & freelance artist. Follow me on Twitter @urangelb *I'm just a simple girl, trying to make my way in the universe.*

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