ls character moments

Character Moments:  Luke Skywalker

Characters Moments: Luke Skywalker

Starting this month, I am starting a new series that focuses on Star Wars Character Moments. These are defining moments within the Star Wars saga that shows ‘a point at which the essential nature or character of a person, group, etc., is revealed or identified.’

Today, this character moment will focus on Luke Skywalker.

A blog post on star suggests that one of these two moments from the Star Wars movies are Luke’s greatest moment:

  1. When Luke tosses away his lightsaber in Return of the Jedi
  2. When Luke willingly falls into the Cloud City abyss in The Empire Strikes Back

However, for me, neither of these moments fully reveal or identify this character.

For me, the moment that reveals or identifies the nature of Luke’s character is when he surrenders to the Imperials stationed on Endor and faces his father in Return of the Jedi.

Luke faces his father on Endor in Return of The Jedi

This moment is a true indication of Luke’s nature because this shows that he has the following characteristics:


Basically, this moment shows that Luke is willing to do whatever he can to convince Darth Vader that he is still Anakin Skywalker after all, to protect his friends and save the Galaxy, even at the cost of his own personal safety.

So what is your opinion?
Do you agree with me?
Is there another moment that you feel defines this character?

Patty is the Everyday Fangirl from Michigan who has a disguise as a mild mannered data analyst for an Advertising firm. You can find Patty on Twitter or blogging at, or talking about Star Wars and much more!

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